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On the top of the mountain, the three elders meditated quietly.

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When the strength reaches their level, sometimes it is very common to sit for months and years, but it is too ordinary for them to sit for half a year.
Ling Yun, Chen Feng and Wu Hong are not very patient. After meeting each other for the first time, they flattered each other. After half a year, they also had some ideas in mind.

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After calculating the time, all the people who entered the miraculous medicine garden were coming out. Chen Feng turned his eyes and said, 'Lingyun, Wu Hong, the miraculous medicine garden will be closed immediately. Which sect do you think is likely to win this time?'
After half a year's relationship, the three people didn't call each other by their senior brothers, but by their first names.
Wu Hong smiles, thinks for a moment, and then says: 'it's hard to say, each of the three schools has its own strengths. It should be a matter of chance.'
'Don't guess, this time we will win the first place in Wuzong.' Ling Yun didn't want to think about it and said confidently.
'That's not necessarily true. There are many strong people in Lingwu sect.' Ling Yun's confidence, let Chen Feng very dissatisfied.
After their own screening, almost all the people entering the miraculous medicine garden are their own, and the inner ten sons are even more powerful. There is no reason why they should not be the first.
'Ha ha, let's wait and see. Zhan Wuzong must be the first. As for the two factions, you can strive for another two places.' Ling Yun said with a smile that Zhan Wuzong had been calculating for decades and was fully prepared. He was full of confidence.
Wu Hong just smile, did not speak, and Chen Feng is unwilling, dissatisfied way: 'Lingyun, you talk too much, don't be overconfident.'
'If you don't believe it, we can make a small bet.'
'How to bet?'
'How about a piece of lower grade Yuan Stone?' Ling Yun said with a smile.
'Lower grade yuan stone.' Chen Feng's face changed slightly.
There is aura between heaven and earth. The friars absorb the aura of heaven and earth, turn it into true Qi, break through one realm, and transform it into innate Qi, then change again, and finally turn into Yuanli to achieve Zhenyuan realm.
There are yuan forces between heaven and earth. Those who are strong in the true Yuan state can directly absorb and refine them, and get twice the result with half the effort. Some yuan forces become solid due to too strong a chance, which is called Yuanshi. Yuanshi is the crystallization of zhenyuanli, the favorite of those with strong Zhenyuan environment, and also the common currency of tianwu continent.
It's just that this kind of currency, the existence of the true Qi State, is not accessible. Even if it is a congenital realm, it is very difficult to have a complete lower grade yuan stone. Most people use broken yuan stone. As the name suggests, some broken energy is not pure yuan stone.
Lingyun's small bet is a piece of inferior grade yuan stone. It is absolutely not a small bet for people of congenital realm. It can almost be called a big gamble.
A piece of inferior grade yuan stone can exchange at least 100 pieces of broken yuan stone. However, ordinary congenital existence can have ten pieces of eight pieces of broken Yuan Stone in hand, which can almost serve as a big money.
'A piece of lower Pinyuan stone.' Wu Hong, who has always been indifferent, has a slight change in his face. This bet is so large that it is far beyond his imagination.
'It's good. It's good to bet.' Ling Yun nodded, very satisfied with the two people's expression changes, dip in self satisfaction.
'Is this still a small bet?' Chen Feng has suffering words, but in front of Lingyun, he doesn't want to lose face. He just nods and says, 'OK, a small bet is a small bet. A piece of inferior Yuan Stone is gambling.'
'What about you, Wu Hong?' Ling Yun looks at Wu Hong again.
'Ha ha, you bet, I will not participate.' Wu Hong shakes his head and smiles.
'What, Wu Hong? You can't be poor and can't get a piece of inferior grade yuan stone. Have you been in such a low position in Xuanwu sect? ' Chen Feng's eyes flashed a look of disdain, just in front of Lingyun face, at this time from Wu Hong here to take back.
'Wu Hong, let's have fun. Small gambling can make you happy and big gambling will hurt your health. We are just playing small games. It's just a piece of cheap yuan stone. Why should we care so much? We're just having fun.' Ling Yun also said, just the disdain in the expression, already very obvious.

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'Well, play.' Wu Hong finally nods.
'Ha ha, that's right.' Ling Yun laughs, in the heart already calculated this time income.
The three elders sat cross legged in the distance without saying a word. They didn't seem to notice the three of them.
After a long time, the elders sitting cross legged suddenly opened their eyes.
'Half a year has come, and it is time for the three schools of disciples to return.'
On the top of the mountain, suddenly came a rumbling sound, the space began to twist, the torrent of energy crazy surging.
Ling Yun three people, one after another back, this energy is really terrible.
'This miraculous herb garden is really mysterious. When it is opened, it costs a lot of real power, but when it is closed, there is an inexplicable energy.'
'Yes, the miraculous medicine garden is too mysterious. Unfortunately, we can't get into the exploration.'
'Half a year's time is too short, just don't know, how they harvest this time.'
Space distortion, as if there is a strong force is tearing up here. With the sound of Chi, the space on the top of the mountain is broken, a big black crack appears, boundless energy fills the mountain top, Ling Yun and others retreat again, and the three elders' body surface Zhenyuan light mask makes a Chi Chi sound.Cracks spread, dark, like a huge opening of the dark, very deep, and like a bottomless deep hole, never end.
When the rampant energy dissipated, the space here finally stabilized, and large cracks appeared on the top of the mountain, followed by a series of figures.
Half a year later, the people who entered the miraculous medicine garden finally appeared.
When they went in, many monks came rushing in like the tide, but when they came out, they were scattered and scattered, and the number was greatly reduced. In addition, with the deliberate calculation of zhanwuzong, only one tenth of the friars survived this time.
In other words, only a few tens of hundreds of people can come out alive.
The first ones who came out were the disciples of lingwuzong. They were afraid that Zichen would come to the door and the big crack would be opened. They rushed out first, their faces were flustered, and they were more stable when they came to the elder.
The elder's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.
The disciples of lingwuzong appeared sparsely, and there were dozens of them before and after. Almost everyone was in panic.
The strength of these people is eight layers and seven layers. There are almost no nine layers of true Qi. As for the inner door of ten layers of true Qi, ten sons and others, none of them appeared.
'Chen Feng, it seems that your people are in a bad mood. The ten sons of the inner door didn't show up?' Ling Yun faintly smiles, but he is very dissatisfied in his heart. According to their previous calculation, the number of lingwuzong who can come out alive this time will not exceed 20.
'Well, don't worry, the strong are the last to appear, so there is a school.' Chen Feng snorted coldly, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.
Many disciples appeared one after another. Finally, the number of lingwuzong disciples was fixed at 38, followed by the disciples of zhanwuzong. They were even worse. When they walked out of the crack, they still looked frightened. Their clothes were ragged and full of blood. Some of them had multiple knife and sword injuries, and their lives were in danger.
Torrent'What's going on?' Elder ge of Zhanwu Zong, who had a calm face before, changed slightly at the moment. Although there were battles when the miraculous medicine garden was opened, it was absolutely not like today, with injuries on each body and more than a dozen knife marks on some of them.
Even after seeing him as an elder, he did not calm down.
The Thunder Lotus Collection CrackThe miraculous medicine garden allows to fight, but all of them are for the purpose of seizing the elixir. Far from being like today, there are dozens of knives in each body. It's not like robbing the elixir. It's killing people.
'Ha ha, Ling Yun, it seems that the disciples of your sect are very bad. They are all going to die.' Chen Feng sneered at the right time.
'Hum!' Ling Yun's face was gloomy and did not speak. Things seemed to have changed. Now is not the time for questioning.
The disciples of zhanwuzong came out one after another, and then divided into two groups. One group was frightened, and some of them were still bleeding. The number was small. They gathered together. The other group glared at each other, and the number was no more than the other. This is a contradiction between the sects.
Ling Yun's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. After waiting for a long time, the people he wanted to wait for didn't come out.
In the early morning, Ling Fei, Xie Qiu, Chen Chong and so on, none of them appeared. Things have changed, Ling Yun's face also changed dramatically, if this thing fails, his responsibility will be great.
After zhanwuzong, there are many Xuanwu Zong people. After the appearance of the disciples, they are still angry. They carry long knives in their hands. Some of them are still bleeding, and they are looking at the direction of zhanwuzong.
'What the hell is going on here?'
The three elders were puzzled, but they did not know what had happened.
And it's weird. So far, no one has appeared.
Ling Yun's face was gloomy and there was a ghost in his heart. The other two people also had a bad feeling in their hearts, but then, another figure appeared.
The beam light on the 10th floor of Zhenqi comes out.
This is the first strong one with nine layers of true Qi above, and the appearance of Liang Guang also indicates the appearance of a real strong one.
Then, Muyi, Lu Peng, and some of the strong Xuanwu sect appeared. But this time only five of the eleven true Qi and ten strong men who entered Xuanwu sect came out.
When they came out, they went to elder Zhang and gathered together. But when they looked at Zhan Wuzong, their eyes were very bad.
'How could that happen?' Seeing the appearance of Muyi and others, Ling Yun couldn't help exclaiming. The situation in front of him was somewhat abnormal, far away from the plan. The thunder lotus collection crack filler
'Hoo!' Wu Hong breathed a sigh of relief. He was determined that he didn't care about the outcome of the bet. He just didn't want Muyi and others to have an accident.
Lingyun wants to question the morning, and now is waiting for the other party to appear, and Chen Feng is also waiting for Xu Yan to appear, want to ask the other party, how things are going. The Thunder Lotus Collection Crack
Then, under the gaze of the two men, the figure came out of the big crack again. The head of the figure was a cold young man. Zhang Haotian was the one who rejected people thousands of miles away.
After Zhang Haotian, he was a very ordinary young man. Then, the two beauties, Lin Xue and Su Mengyao, walked out of the cracks. Their bodies were slim and their lotus steps moved slightly. One was like a green lotus and the other was like a goddess, which immediately attracted the attention of the public.They are very relaxed, with a faint smile on their lips. When they come out, they look at the cracks behind them, and then a white shadow appears. , the fastest update of the webnovel!
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